Wednesday, March 9, 2011

35 Conferette: Monetizing Music in a Free Economy or Music's Free, Deal With it.

Shiner Records' Josh Jones will be speaking at 35 Conferette: Monetizing Music in a Free Economy or Music's Free, Deal With it. Sat, March 12, 3 pm-4:30 @ Banter on West Oak Street, Denton, TX.

The panel will discuss how do bands make a career out of creating a product that is, for all intents and purposes, free? Also, if you can’t make money in music, will there be less music in the future?

Nico Martini, Founder, Hypeworthy

Andy Chandler: Imaging Director, CBS Radio Dallas & Host, “All Jack'd Up” – TXA21
Eric Pulido: Guitarist, Midlake
Erv Karwelis: Founder, Idol Records
Joshua Jones: Co-Founder, Shiner Records Ryan Thomas Becker: Musician, RTB2
Trey Bowles: CEO, Trivate Entertainment

Texas Music Revolution (TMR) 15

KHYI's annual concert, Texas Music Revolution, will be next Saturday (March 19th) at South Fork Ranch. Come and check out Shiner Records own Darryl Lee Rush, Grant Jones, Somebody's Darling, and The Will Callers, along with many other great bands.

Click for ticket information